You may have heard about House Bill 1438 was passed in the Senate yesterday. Today, May 30, it is being voted on in the House to legalize commercial marijuana in Illinois.
Also, LEAD, who serves the Lake Forest, Lake Bluff and Knollwood, IL communities, has created an easy way to send Illinois Senators and Representatives reasons why they should consider the dangers of legalization
Coalition Meeting
On March 14, 2019 we had our coalition meeting. We had 21 members attend. Below are the Meeting Minutes:
Called to meeting at 12:05 pm
Presentation by Vernalynne De La Rosa (Program Coordinator):
- Ed Boone – Lurie Children’s Hospital
- Yan Chen – Project Vision Project Coordinator
- Bianca Craig – IL Army National Guard
- Cristina DeLaRosa – Erie Neighborhood House
- Vernalynne De La Rosa – MAHA
- Ana Diaz de Leon – Pilsen Wellness
- Shaina Fuller – Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force
- Dushunda Henderson – Chicago Youth Center Fellowship
- Hong Liu – Executive Director MAHA
- Sandra Oviedo – Pilsen Wellness
- Gabrielle Nichols - CDPH
- Omari Prince – Smart Approaches to Marijuana
- Coco Qiu - Sinovision
- Sara Reschly – Brighton Park Neighborhood Council
- Jerry Silva – Gads Hill Center
- Jason Sollis – Chicago Police Department
- Sihang Su – VOC Media
- Sihong Sun – VOC Media
- Shaneika Tolliver – Erie Neighborhood House
- Ada Tong – State Rep Theresa Mah
- Melissa Wee – MAHA
- National Drug and Alcohol Fact Week was a success. We provide presentation at Davis Elementary School and Mark Sheridan Math and Science Academy. Over 800 students were reached.
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Conference. We were able to meet with our senators and congressman to discuss the important work we are doing under the Drug Free Community (DFC) grant.
- Our volunteers have provided us with mapping schools and the proximity of businesses with liquor license violations, narcotics arrests, assault cases, and battery cases.
- Communication Campaign is being continued. We would like to have feedback on updating the campaign. Suggestions from the coalition include putting the percentages on a poster or on a smaller card for easy handout. Another suggestions also was to keep the statistics the same, because it can become confusing. A coalition member pointed out parents often times provide youth access to alcohol because parents prefer to have the youth at home if they are drinking.
- The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is still looking to work with community members to continue providing education to schools. The DEA Chicago has also created a community outreach group. If you are interested in joining, please follow up
- MAHA Summer Youth Program will happen again this summer from 7/1/19 to 8/9/19. We will be providing program surrounding art, physical exercise, civic engagement, substance abuse prevention, field trips, and more. Once we have the flyers, we will be provide the information and start registration.
- The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has teamed up with Erie Neighborhood House and Midwest Asian Health Association to address bullying and suicide prevention in Chicago.
- Dr. Hong Lui provided a presentation on the statistics on suicide and bullying. The staff from Erie Neighborhood House introduced themselves and their involvement with the bullying and suicide prevention work.
- Ed Boone from Lurie Children’s Hospital reported on the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System. Ed provided information on gun violence.
- Coalition members provided annoucements for their respective events.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:30pm
MAHA Summer Youth Program Enrollment
MAHA is having its 2nd annual summer youth program from July 1, 2019 to August 9, 2019. Please pass along the information.

The McK-UDOS website has been revamped its website for easier navigation with new photos from events, updated Illinois Youth Survey information from 2018, our communication campaigns and more. Go and check it outhttp://www.maha-us.org/substance-abuse-prevention-program/
We have provided presentations at Burroughs Elementary School, Urban Prep Academy, and Gunsaulus Elementary School. At Gads Hill Center Pilsen, we have provided an evidence based curriculum to the youth from 5th to 8th grade. There has been positive feedback from students and staff on how the conversations has helped open communication and discussion surrounding the dangers of drugs and the youths' thoughts and experiences. We continue to provide presentations to parents and were invited to Eli Whitney Elementary School to present to their Parent Advisory Council and Bilingual Advisory Council.
The Coalition has also been outreaching at various community events. We were at the 3rd Annual State Representative Theresa Mah Health Fair, the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council's 10th annual Health Fair, and Report Card Pick Up at Everett Elementary School and Kelly High School. We were able to provide education resources to people about the dangers of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs to youth, provide statistics about substance use with youth in the McKinley Park and surrounding area, and answer questions from parents.
We continue to work on improving our social media presence. With the volunteer/interns we have had in the last semester, we have able to be more consistent in our postings. Please follow us on Twitter @McKUDOS_chi and Facebook @mckudoscoalition
Thank you to the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council for inviting us to the annual Collective Impact Convening. It was a great week of learning about building a community engagement strategy, supporting a culture for emerging social change leaders, making bold health impacts and more.
Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Midwest Asian Health Association
230 W Cermak Road, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL
Please let us know if you have any announcements you would like us to provide for our next meeting and newsletter.arch 14, 2019
Please let us know if you have any announcements you would like us to provide for our next meeting and newsletter.