Elimination of Immunization Disparities Program (EIDP) Overview
The purpose of the Elimination of Immunization Disparities (EIDP) Program (English version) is to create targeted interventions to address areas of racial and economic disparities related to vaccination coverage in children, adolescents, and adults.
We are in the process of creating an immunization work group in suburban Cook County. Funding for this program was made possible by funds received from the Office of Health Protection through the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).
MAHA's immunization program is partnering with the Chicago Department of Public Health's Carevan Program to provide:
- Influenza (flu) vaccinations, Hepatatis A & B vaccinations, and more on a MONTHLY basis
- For more information about scheduling and types of vaccinations:
- Please contact Jennifer Soung, 312-225-8659, [email protected];
** Our immunization clinic is currently suspended due to COVID-19. Check back here or follow us on social media for our latest updates.
What are immunizations?
- Immunizations, or vaccines, are products made from killed or weakened germs.
- Immunizations can be administered by needle, injection, mouth, or spray.
- Immunizations prevent disease by stimulating the immune system to develop defenses to certain diseases by producing antibodies.
What are antibodies?
- Antibodies are protective proteins that your body produces in response to encountering a foreign substance. Immunizations are not always administered via needle.
- When you get immunized, your body creates antibodies in response to the vaccine you were exposed to.
Why is it important to get vaccinated?
- By being exposed to a weaker or killed form of the disease, your body learns to fight it off.
- Herd immunity
- See next section to learn more about herd immunity.
- Diseases, like smallpox, have been eradicated by vaccines. Polio is very close to being eradicated as well! Contribute to eliminating diseases and protecting others from disease exposure by getting vaccinated.
What is herd immunity?
- This occurs when enough people are immunized, that it makes it hard for a disease to spread. The more people immunized, the greater the herd immunity and the less risk there is of an outbreak.
- Certain immunocompromised people are unable to get vaccines since their immune systems are not strong enough to handle a weakened or killed form of the disease in vaccines.
Protect your family, friends, and community from disease outbreaks by getting vaccinated!
Common misconceptions about vaccines:
You WILl get sick if you get a vaccine.
- While reactions to vaccines can happen, they are very rare. It is still better to get vaccinated unless you know you are immunocompromised or have a weak immune system. Talk to your primary care provider if you any concerns to find out more.
Vaccines cause autism.
- A debunked study showed that there was a connection between vaccines and autism. That study has been disproven, and other reputable studies (here and here) have shown that there is no connection between vaccines and autism.
"If a disease is wiped out in the United States, then I don’t need to get a vaccine for that disease anymore."
- THIS IS NOT TRUE. Even if a disease is eradicated in the United States, you may be exposed to it in another country. Vaccinations are highly recommended, especially if you travel.
- For example: The influenza vaccine, or flu shot, changes every year because the flu evolves very rapidly. That means you need to vaccinate yourself from the flu every year, so that you, your family, friends, and community members do not get sick.
** For children from birth to 18 years old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have an immunization schedule: Click Here
** For adults ages 19 and older, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have an immunization schedule:
Click here
** Disclaimer: The following information is immunization recommendations. Please consult a medical care provider, or your primary care physician, for further details about types of vaccines and recommended dose schedules.