Midwest Asian Health Association
10th Annual Benefit Gala
November 16th 2019
Furama Restaurant
Address: 2828 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago IL 60616

2 Ways to Register

Sept. 6, 2019
Dear Supporters
The Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) will host its 2019 Gala event in celebration of its 10th Anniversary on November 16 (Saturday), 2019 at the Furama Restaurant at 6pm (2828 South Wentworth Avenue, Chicago), The board, staff and I would be delighted if you would participate as a sponsor of this year again.
Since 2009, with the support of government grants, individual and corporate contributions, and major fundraisers like our Annual Dinner, MAHA has been able to literally serve around 20,000 individuals and families every year in a culturally competent and supportive environment where people can come in confidence to receive healthcare, referrals to care and information.
Located in the heart of Chicago’s Chinatown community, our services have continued to grow through our various health programs including Navigator Program; Community Mental Health Center; Employment Program for People with Disabilities; Substance Abuse Prevention; Health Screening and Immunization; Hepatitis B Education, Prevention, and Patient Care; Diabetes Intervention; and Cancer Prevention, that reach into not only the Chinese community, but also the neighboring African American and Hispanic communities.
To make our 10th Anniversary very special, we are reaching out and asking for your support as a sponsor and participant. Please see attached sponsorship form for more details. By supporting our event, you are making a tax-deductible contribution to helping people in need; gaining valuable exposure for your company/organization; building connections; and providing important philanthropic leadership within our community.
The continuation of MAHA’s services is dependent upon the interest and participation of all parties that want to see Chicagoans healthy and thriving. Please fill out the attached form and add your or your organization/company’s name to our list of sponsors and participants. Thank you very much for your continued support!
Jeongling Liu, Board President
Hong Liu, Ph.D. Executive Director
Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA)