Updated on Feb 28, 2017 by MAHA Navigator Program
The goal of our Navigator health insurance program is to help underserved and uninsured Asian immigrants increase healthcare knowledge and resources, and empower them with self-management ability for health care. We have the largest bilingual navigator team in Illinois Asian communities. An overwhelming majority of our clients have a primary language other than English and 68% consider their English proficiency to be below average. Our services are available in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We focus on providing health insurance counseling, assistance with Marketplace and Medicaid enrollment and post enrollment support.
The 2017 Marketplace Open Enrollment period has just ended, running from November 1st, 2016 to January 31st, 2017. This enrollment period has been busy to say the least. During this three-month period, our navigator team has helped an impressive 922 clients enroll in a Marketplace health insurance plan and 71 clients apply for Medicaid. Approximately 20% of these clients were enrolling in health coverage for the first time.
2016 as a whole has been successful as well. We have enrolled 1,780 and assisted a total of 6,777. As we wind down from the Open Enrollment period, we will shift our focus to providing Medicaid application assistance and post enrollment support. We look forward to continuing to serve the community.
This program is made possible by a grant from Health Human Services (HHS) through United Way.
美亚的健康保险项目主要是帮助伊利诺斯州亚裔居民了解更多医疗健保资源,提高对个人健保的管理能力。据统计, 我们的客户大部分不能以英文交流,其中68%的客户的英语低于平均水平。 为此美亚的健保顾问团队,为客户提供多语言(英文,普通话,和广东话)服务,包括医疗保险咨询,奥巴马商业保险申请,白卡申请还有申请的后续服务。
忙碌而紧张的2017年健保申请窗口(11/1/2016-1/31/2017)已经结束。在这三个月的申请窗口期间, 我们的健保顾问为922个 客户申请了奥巴马商业保险,71个客户申请了白卡。其中大约20%的客户是第一次申请。
回顾过去的2016年里,我们成功帮助1,780个客户申请到保险,而服务过的客户总人流量为6,777。申请窗口结束后,我们的工作重心是白卡申请和申请后续服务,包括翻译保险相关信件,协助支付保险费用,协助选择家庭医生,及其他保险相关服务。我们希望继续为社区服务,如有任何健保相关的问题,请联系我们 312-225-8659 或 312-225-6806。
美亚健康协会健康保险项目是由卫生与公众服务部 Health Human Services (HHS) 通过 United Way 拨款资助。