While the state of Illinois has ended its mask mandate and other COVID-19 restrictions, we want to continue to advocate for precautionary measures and guidance to help reduce the spreading of COVID-19 through proper hand washing, social distancing, respiratory etiquette and cleaning and disinfecting regularly. We are currently fully reopened with all programs and services available for in-person and virtual access.
McK-UDOS Coalition Meeting Minutes
Date: May 11th, 2023
Time: 11:30 am- 1:00 pm via Zoom
- Jae Lee is MAHA's new Substance Use Prevention & Treatment Program Manager
- Previous work as a licensed therapist, and managing other behavioral health programs in Chicago
- Brief group introductions
- Mimi Tsang – SUP & Gambling Program Coordinator at MAHA
- Carlos Rodriguez– Director at West Care
- Andrew Piotrowski – Program manager at MAHA for the Navigator program
- Synia Agnew – Rush SUD-COE, Youth Organization Program (education on substance use)
- Tanya Bibbs-Smith – Regional Outreach Coordinator at TASC
- Jake Levinson – Administrator Cannabis Center at Prevention First
- Laura Castaneda – Illinois Action for Children
- Lizette Leon - Healthcare Alternative Systems
GUEST SPEAKER - Synia Agnew on Substance Use
- Relevance of SUD in Chicago
- Opioid overdose deaths highest among men, non-Latinx Black, and middle aged adults, but overdose deaths increasing with youth population rapidly
- Vaping is on the rise, adolescent drug use on the rise
- Opioids increase dopamine levels and leads to behavioral changes which can lead to dependence
- Nicotine: smoking increases anxiety and tension (withdrawal symptom); tolerance is built quickly
- Highly addictive
- THC: brains aren’t fully developed until 25 years of age, which makes effects of substances even stronger
- Difficulty thinking, memory loss, difficulty maintaining attention etc.
- How drug misuse occurs
- Various paths to substance use disorder
- Poor mental health --> self-medication --> SUD
- Recently got out of surgery and prescribed addictive pain medication --> takes medication as prescribed, but develops an addiction (possibly due to genetic dispositions) --> SUD
- Unintentional fentanyl use
- Very small amount of fentanyl can be fatal (has no smell)
- Criminal drug networks are mass-producing fake pill laced with fentanyl to deceive
- Studies found that “relative to white patients, black patients are less likely to be given pain medications and, if given pain medications, they receive lower quantities”
- Can lead people to get medication from places other than prescription
- Various paths to substance use disorder
- Talking with youth
- Letting them know the effects
- Not villainizing drug use/reducing stigma
- Helping students develop positive coping methods
- Discuss function of drugs in our society
- Various medications/drugs that people use daily to help them
- Birth control, mental health medication, recreational use, etc
- Various medications/drugs that people use daily to help them
- Developing a safe relationship with substances
- Understanding how substance use develops
- Avoid temptation and peer pressure
- Seek professional mental health help
- Examine risk – family history
- Awareness of usage – are you dependent? How long can you go without using substance? How often are you using?
- What to do if youth needs help
- Warm hand off
- Connect them to resources
- Warm hand off
- Harm reduction
- Various examples of harm reduction in all aspects of life
- Seat belt in case of an accident, birth control, sun screen etc
- With substance use
- Methadone treatment, nicotine replacement therapy, etc
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Nausea, irritability, trouble sleeping, diarrhea, and more
- Narcan – overdose reversal medication (safe to use, no negative effects)
- Nasal spray – free, available in Chicago Public Libraries
- Chicago.maps.arcgis.com to find Narcan near you
- Working with CPS to allow Narcan in schools
- But Narcan is not allowed in public schools
- Various examples of harm reduction in all aspects of life
- Discussion
- Carlos added: “University of Michigan's acronym: CAGE to screen for potential SUD”
- C = Complained about your use
- A = Attempted to quit
- G = Do you feel guilty about your use or do you feel like you have to "go get' it?
- E = Eye opener (I need it to feel right when I wake up and start my day)
- Carlos added: “University of Michigan's acronym: CAGE to screen for potential SUD”
SWOT: Please fill out our feedback survey!
- Even if you are new, we would love to get feedback of how we as a coalition can help your organization
- Here is the link: https://forms.office.com/r/6bZkFBxV5z
DISCUSSION: Justice Cannabis Co. Dispensary
- Jake L: reach out to Cannabis Equity Coalition and work with them and new dispensary to set up an agreement
- Carlos: still researching, but Margaret has more information
- Margaret Polovchak (OMNI): a lot of experience on this topic; important to be cautious with collaborating with dispensary
- In past, they have produced prevention messages and lockboxes, considered signage (must be 21 yrs to purchase)
- Potential pitfall of associating:
- Dispensary tries to look beneficial to community (involved in community)
- Give out free merchandise – this allows people to promote them
- But cautious with sharing Omni logo with dispensaries/marijuana industry – because dispensary will then claim to be working with them and promote that
- They (OMNI) just provide information to dispensaries
- Dispensary tries to look beneficial to community (involved in community)
- Mimi added that dispensary will have a lot of security protocols to prevent selling to minors
- Margaret added that youth usually have someone else of legal age buy it anyways
- Carlos: need to keep having discussions and gathering information and keep our goals in mind
- Prevention First - Jake Levinson
- Presenting a webinar on vaping May 25 - it's with Florida Behavioral Health but is open to all
- West Care - Carlos Rodriguez
- Partnering with Fiesta Del Sol
- It’s not about catching wrongdoing or “policing” underage drinking
- It’s more about doing things right
- We will publicize how well they do
- Any issues that are found will be discussed privately with the event organizers
- They are looking for other street festivals to work with
- Focus is on events where alcohol will be sold
- There is a form that they will complete to evaluate and share results with organizers
- Carlos can give a brief 5-10 minute presentation on safe festivals
- Could potentially speak with Youth Coalition members to see if there is an interest in participating/volunteering.
- Partnering with Fiesta Del Sol
- Healthcare Alternative Systems - Lizette Leon
- Hosting an event on youth engagement in public safety
- Takes place May 16th at new site on West Side
- MAHA is co-hosting an AAPI event on Saturday, May 20th, 2023.
- Please join us at the Chinatown Square Plaza.
- The event will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, July 13th, 2023 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm