May 2021 McK-UDOS Coalition Newsletter



With the current pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it has been an evolving situation impacting the world and our community. We want to advocate the precautionary measures and guidance to help the spread of COVID-19 of proper hand washing, social distancing, respiratory etiquette and cleaning and disinfecting regularly. We are currently slowly reopening our offices but will have staff operating on a rotation basis to help reduce the spread of the virus.

McK-UDOS Coalition Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday, May 13th, 2021

Time: 11:30 am- 1:00 pm via Zoom



  1. Lina Xie (MAHA)
  2. Saul Zhang (MAHA)
  3. Carlos Rodriguez (Westcare Foundation IL)
  4. Michelle Flagg (ILCC)
  5. Ailin Chang (MAHA)
  6. Sara Reschly (BPNN)
  7. Cuiying Lin (Whitney Young High School)
  8. Dion McGill (Lurie Children’s Hospital)
  9. Elaine Tang (Project Vision)
  10. Jonas Ginsburg (MAHA)
  11. Justin Kerr (McKinley Park News)
  12. Katy Irving (ChicagoCAC)
  13. Liz Conkey (H.A.S)
  14. Tanya Bibbs (TASC)
  15. Arista Wang (MAHA)
  16. Allison Plyer (MAHA)


  • May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month
    • Celebration festival taking place on Saturday May 22nd from 12-3PM in Chinatown Square
    • Free cultural performances and activities
  • Adult Education on Cannabis Project
    • Interest from coalition members suggest this is a project to be taken up on
    • More information to be shared to put together a project team to spearhead the project


  • Justin Kerr (McKinley Park News)
    • McKinley Park public garden opening
    • New Art Gallery opening on Friday, May 21st
    • Horizon Science Academy 5k Run, on the morning of May 22nd
    • More information about community updates can be found of McKinley Park News website

  • Sara Beschly (BPNN)
    • On June 11th from 1-5PM, BPNN hosting Workforce Development and Resource Fair at Kelly College Prep for high school students, families, adults

  • Carlos Rodriguez (Westcare Foundation IL)
    • Westcare is having a pizza party for youth involved in alternative schools to celebrate their work and achievements
    • Future gardening project partnered with a local church. More information upcoming.

  • Michelle Flagg (ILLC)
    • Panel discuss for Asian business owners regarding responsible alcoholic beverage in the liquor industry in line with AAPI Heritage Month
    • Interested in being on a virtual panel, please email [email protected] 
      • If prevention specialists know of business owners that should be recognized for serving alcohol responsibly, please share as well
      • Please put AAPI Month in the subject line

  • Ailin, Chang (MAHA)
    • The Family & Life Skills workshop for parents to learn about communication, stress, and emotion management skills on May 20th
    • For more information, email [email protected]


  • Katy Irving (Chicago Children’s Advisory Center)
    • Coordinates efforts of child protection staff, law enforcement, mental health clinicians, etc.
    • Provides educational, prevention, and policy work in the community
    • Conduct trainings and outreach to community groups and organizations
    • Visit or email [email protected] for collaboration opportunities


  • Member evaluation survey
    • Reflect and track coalition progress
    • Collect feedback and input


    • Date: Thursday, July 8, 2021
    • Time: 11:30 am- 1:00 pm via Zoom
    • Email [email protected] for more information

    Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

    In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, MAHA and other community organizations are co-hosting a celebratory festival on May 22nd from 12pm to 3pm in Chinatown Square. There will be cultural performance and free fun and educational activities. Come visit the Chinatown community and check out all the fun activities we'll have!

    BPNN Workforce Development and Resource Fair

    Brighton Park Neighborhood Network (BPNN) Financial Stability Committee will be hosting a Workforce & Resource Fair in Brighton Park. The event will take place on Friday June 11th from 1pm-5pm at Kelly College Prep's parking lot (Archer side). The goal is to increase the community's awareness and access to enrolling in existing workforce development training programs and employment opportunities as well as learn about other resources available to them!

    For more information, contact Maribel Martinez at [email protected]