McKUDOS Coalition Meeting Minutes
McK-UDOS Coalition Meeting
June 13th, 2019 at 12:00pm – 1:30pm
230 W Cermak Road, 2nd Floor Chicago
Daniela Aguilar – Haymarket
Ed Boone – Lurie’s Children Hospital
Lauren Bozarth – Haymarket
Vernalynne De La Rosa – MAHA
Jana Chiu – State Rep Mah’s Office
Linda Gordon – Lurie’s Children Hospital
Sara Reschly– BPNC
Nurys Uceta – CPS - FACE
Patricia Witkowski - DEA - on phone line
Saul Zhang - MAHA
Started Meeting at 12:08pm
- Introductions
- No newsletter was sent in September, but we will send a newsletter for October.
- Saul, one of our interns has been working on a Drug Take Back Handout to be able to identify the places people can dispose of their prescription drugs. We want to be able to have it available for parents. Feedback was requested on the current draft and are listed below
- The print of the location of drop boxes are not as clear as the neighborhoods. Change the font to only bold and not bold italics.
- There is a desert for drop boxes in McKinley Park, Brighton Park and New City. Questions about the other pharmacies and hospitals which may also be able to receive expired prescription drugs.
- Pharmacies like Walgreen's will also provide a bag to dispose of their prescription drug.
- Deterra bags can help people if people are not able to access drop boxes.
- Put numbers rather than the location name by the locations and on the back provide a list the location with addresses so people locate. Remove McKUDOS logo and mission statement.
- Change the title to ‘Prescription Drug Disposal Locations’
- Will this be translated into other languages? Yes, Spanish and Chinese
- After finalized and printed, target to senior living facilities
- Add a phone number where people can ask where the drop box locations are (800)882-9539
- Next Drug Take Back day will be 10/26/19
- Subcommittees were formed at the last coalition meeting. We are asking to have people sign up for the various subcommittees. The subcommittees are:
- Community Outreach Engagement
- Education
- Evaluation
- Policy and Legislation
If you haven’t signed up for a subcommittee, please sign up for one or two.
- All Officers shall have a term of two years. Officers may be reelected for another two-year term with no limits to the number of years serving as officer.
- Election of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, Secretary and the Treasurer shall occur in November of every other year at a regularly scheduled meeting.
- Nominations will be brought before the coalition at least one month prior to the scheduled election.
- All voting members of the Coalition in good standing shall be eligible for any position.
- A two-thirds vote of those voting members in attendance shall be required for election of each officer.
- Officers are
- Chair
- Shall be the presiding officer of the Coalition
- Shall preside over all regular meetings
- Shall appoint committees as necessary from time to time
- Perform those duties usually required of a presiding officer.
- Vice Chair
- The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair whenever the Chair is absent or unable to perform their duties
- Secretary
- The Secretary shall take meeting minutes
- Assist with making meeting arrangements
- Perform such duties as assigned.
- Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall track all expenditures
- Maintain all budget requirements
- Perform such duties as assigned.
- Chair
- Members in attendance were asked if anyone wanted to take on role of officers.
- Survey used to measure our impact in the community
- It is designed to gather information about a variety of health and social indicators, including the use of gateway substances and other drugs, violence, bullying, depression, perceptions of school climate, nutrition, and fitness.
- Registration opened September 2019
- Surveying from January 2020 – June 2020
- Network 8 Schools in our area (** signifies they took the IYS in 2018)
- Elementary Schools
- Brighton Park Elementary **
- Burroughs Elementary **
- Columbia Explorers **
- Davis Elementary
- Hamline Elementary **
- Hedges Elementary
- Lara Elementary
- Pasteur Elementary
- Pickard Elementary **
- Sandoval Elementary
- Sawyer Elementary
- Seward Elementary **
- Thomas Elementary
- Ward Elementary **
- Elementary Schools
- Middle Schools
- Evergreen Middle School **
- Hernandez Middle School **
- Shields Middle School
- High Schools
- Back of the Yards High School
- Curie High School **
- Gage Park High School
- Hancock High School
- Juarez Community Academy
- Kelly College Prep **
- Tilden High School **
- Richards High School
- Original subcommittees
- Outreach Committee
- Alcohol & Marijuana
- Marketing Committee
- Evaluation Committee
- Subcommittees from June 2018
- Communication
- Coalition and Coalition Engagement
- Policy
- Data collection / Assessment
- Discussion was started about youth neighborhood council within the service area. We will work to find Youth Advisory Committees already in existence to help start out our youth coalition.
- Brainstorming of coalition members about what they believe the subcommittees. Some ideas include
- Marketing / media / press releases
- Establishment of data, communications campaign, recruiting, fundraising, sustainability committees
- Maintaining engagement with all stakeholders within community
- Sustainability (encompassing recruitment, fundraising, structure)
- Broadening of substances outside marijuana and alcohol
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Work group
- We asked for some people to volunteer to help finalize committees and subcommittees
- It was recommended some of this can be done on a Google Docs
- 4 members volunteered (Veronica Smith, Justin Kerr, Lauren Bozarth, Sgt Lacy)
Adjourned 1:21pm
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. It began as a tribute to fallen DEA special agent Enrique Camerena in 1985. The McKUDOS Coalition has been working to collaborate with CPS Schools to organize students and parents to take their stance to be drug free.
Evegreen Middle School.
10th Anniversary GalaThe Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) is pleased to invite you to our 10th Anniversary Celebration Gala at Furama Restaurant (2828 S. Wentworth Ave, 3/F, Chicago) on Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 6:00 pm-8:30 pm. Since 2009, with the support of government grants, individual and corporate contributions, and major fundraisers like our Annual Dinner, MAHA has been able to literally serve around 20,000 individuals and families every year in a culturally competent and supportive environment where people can come in confidence to receive healthcare, referrals to care and information. Located in the heart of Chicago’s Chinatown community, our services have continued to grow through our various health programs including Navigator Program; Community Mental Health Center; Employment Program for People with Disabilities; Substance Abuse Prevention; Health Screening and Immunization; Hepatitis B Education, Prevention, and Patient Care; Diabetes Intervention; and Cancer Prevention, that reach into not only the Chinese community, but also the neighboring African American and Hispanic communities. To make our 10th Anniversary very special, we are reaching out and asking for your support and participation. The continuation of MAHA’s services is dependent upon the interest and participation of all parties that want to see Chicagoans healthy and thriving. Please register online at http://maha-us.org/annual-benefit-gala-2019-midwest-asian-health-association/ |
The new McK-UDOS website is up. Go and check it out http://www.maha-us.org/substance-abuse-prevention-program/
We have completed many works.
Please let us know if you are interested in presentations for students or parents in English, Spanish and Chinese.
- Parents
- How to talk to you children about drugs
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- Dangers of E-cigarettes
- Marijuana legalization
- Parenting your adolescent to adulthood
- Youth
- The dangers of drugs and how to make healthy choices
- What do you see happening at home and in your community?
- Dangers of e-cigarettes
- Illinois Liquor Control Commission
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- Suicide Prevention for Youth
We continue to work on improving our social media presence. With the volunteer/interns we have had in the last semester, we have able to be more consistent in our postings. Please follow us on Twitter @McKUDOS_chi and Facebook @mckudoscoalition
Internship/Volunteer Position
The Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) has an opening internship for a part-time or full-time intern / volunteer for the McKinley Park Underage Drinking and Other Substance (McKUDOS) Prevention Coalition to begin immediately.
Coalition’s Goal: McK-UDOS is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. The coalition’s goal is to prevent and reduce alcohol and marijuana use among youth in Chicago’s McKinley Park neighborhood.
Typical Duties:
- Assist in expanding, sustaining, and coordinating a multi-sector coalition in McKinley Park by reaching out to schools, churches and local community organizations.
- Attend meetings with social service agencies, law enforcement, schools, community-based organizations
- Write articles to promote coalition prevention efforts and activities to be published on Chicago Tribune’s Community Contributors page, local ethnic newspapers, social media channels.
- Manage social media channels, including Twitter and Facebook.
- Assist the coalition in planning prevention activities to meet the aims and objectives of the coalition.
- Assist in distributing campaign materials (posters, flyers, and brochures) to schools, parents, and community members at events and meetings
- Communicate /present Illinois Youth Survey (IYS) results and other data related to underage drinking and marijuana use in McKinley Park to public health officials, coalition members, local community leaders, school administrators and teachers, and parents
- Prepare briefs, reports, policy statements, presentations, and other materials as needed.
- Carry out project-related administrative responsibilities and perform other duties as required.
Education: Must be enrolled in university at undergraduate or graduate level, studying public health, journalism, communications, marketing, global health, education, social work or other equivalent equivalent field preferred. Or have a Bachelor’s degree in the above mentioned studies.
Experience and Qualifications:
- Experience in journalistic writing and social media.
- Knowledge and professional experience in substance abuse or related fields preferred.
- Excellent oral and written communications skills, comfortable with public speaking and presentations.
- Flexible working hours with the ability to work independently.
- Demonstrated ability to handle multiple tasks.
- Demonstrated cultural competence and professionalism in the workplace.
- Experience with Latino and Asian community highly desirable
- Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin, speaker highly preferred
Salary Range: This is an unpaid position and can be paired with school credit. If interested, please email a resume with a cover letter to:
Vernalynne De La Rosa
Program Coordinator
Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA)
230 W. Cermak, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60616
Tel: 312-225-8708
[email protected]
Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Midwest Asian Health Association
230 W Cermak Road, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL
Please let us know if you have any announcements you would like us to provide for our next meeting and newsletter.ext meeting and newsletter.