Coalition Meeting Notes
On September 13, 2018 we had our coalition meeting. We had 19 members attend. Below are the Meeting Minutes:
Called to meeting at 12:05 pm
Presentation by Vernalynne De La Rosa (Program Coordinator):
- Diego Alvarez – Pilsen Wellness
- Chance Brown – Chicago Youth Center
- Yan Chen – Project Vision Project Coordinator
- Ada Chiu – MAHA
- Vernalynne De La Rosa – MAHA
- Hong Deng – Metro South Hospital
- Ana Diaz de Leon – Pilsen Wellness Center
- Maria Gonzalez – Pilsen Wellness
- Vivian Jin - MAHA Intern
- Wade King - JLDC
- Justin Kerr – McKinley Park
- Kevin Kwong – MAHA
- Dushunda Henderson - Chicago Youth Center
- Ricky Lam - MAHA
- Hong Liu – Executive Director MAHA
- Amy Wang – Asian Health Coalition
- Patricia Witkowski – Drug Enforcement Administration
- Vivian Xu - CASL
- Huaimin Zhao – The Circle MA Intern
- Summer Youth Program
- There were 22 youth who completed the 6 week program. They did activities such as painting, calligraphy, paper cutting, substance abuse education, volunteering, and learning Chinese and more.
- At the closing ceremony, we had parents, community members, other youth, and prominent people in the community celebrate what the youth did in the 6 weeks.
- Youth Coalition
- We had 20 youth attend with 12 youth signing up. We will continue to recruit from schools and other youth organizations.
- If you are aware of any youth who are interested in participating, please have them contact us.
- McKinley Park Development Council is working with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the City of Chicago Department of planning and development to to create a neighborhood plan. We are asking those who live, work and visit McKinley Park to complete the surveys
- https://mckinleypark.metroquest.com (English)
- https://mckinleypark-sp.metroquest.com (Spanish)
- https://mckinleypark-ch.metroquest.com (Chinese)
Illinois Youth Survey Data (IYS)
- With the data from the IYS,we want to provide some of the findings we received.
- Demographic
- 50% Female, 48% Male, 1% Transgender, 2% Doesn't Identify as female, male or transgender
- Race / Ethnicity
- 71% = Latinx;
- 9% = Multiracial
- 8% = Black
- 4% = Asian
- 3% = White
- 1% = Other
- Alcohol Use
- Past Year
2016 2018 8th Grade 25% 37% 10th Grade 43% 38% 12th Grade 40% 41%
- Past Year
- Past 30 days
2016 2018 8th Grade 16% 22% 10th Grade 25% 23% 12th Grade 28% 29%
- Past 30 days
- Binge Drinking
2016 2018 8th Grade 8% 9% 10th Grade 15% 10% 12th Grade 18% 13%
- Binge Drinking
- Perception vs Reality
- PERCEPTION: More than 56% of high schoolers believe over 50% of their peers have used alcohol in the past month.
- REALITY: Only 26% of high schoolers have used alcohol in the past 30 days
- In 2016, IYS data 26.5% of High schoolers believed over 50% of their peers drank but in reality it was 16%
- Perception vs Reality
- Marijuana Use
- Past Year
2016 2018 8th Grade 15% 12% 10th Grade 21% 22% 12th Grade 21% 25%
- Past Year
- Past 30 days
2016 2018 8th Grade 11% 7% 10th Grade 14% 15% 12th Grade 18% 18%
- Past 30 days
- Perception vs Reality
- Among high schoolers, 63% believe over 50% of their peers have smoked marijuana in the past month.
- Only 16.5% of high schoolers have smoked marijuana in the past 30 days
- In 2016, IYS data 59.5% of High schoolers believed over 50% of their peers smoked but in reality it was 16%
- Perception vs Reality
- 30 Day Alcohol Use
Female Male 8th Grade 23.4% 20.1% 10th Grade 27.5% 18.1% 12th Grade 32.7% 25.4% - Alcohol use at 10th grade has statistically significant difference of females using more than males,
- 30 Day Marijuana Use
Female Male 8th Grade 7.8% 6.4% 10th Grade 14.5% 15.7% 12th Grade 21.9% 14.3% - Marijuana use at 12th grade has statistically significant difference of females using more than males
Smart Match Employment Program (SMEP) Introduction
(Presented by Ricky Lam and Sherry Moore)
- SMEP is an employment program to provide comprehensive employment assistance to low-income Asians and other minorities with mental illness and developmental disabilities, including intellectual disabilities from the ages 16 to 60-years-old. Clients work closely with Employment Specialists to find and retain jobs that match their skills, goals, and interests. All services are free of charge, and are individually tailored and culturally sensitive. Services include job matching, benefit planning, job coaching, job carving, pre-employment training, on-site job support, follow-up services, linkage to public aid programs, mental health counselling, and referrals to other supporting services. SMEP works with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services (IDHS)
- Youth who may have disabilities may look to substances to cope with their disabilities. As a coalition, we want to make sure those who may have a disability may qualify for these services.
Coalition Brainstorming
- The McK-UDOS coalition will be start sub-committees to be able to be more efficient as a coalition. We want coalition members to have an opportunity to provide the needed services and resources to the community, also help in creating events, change policies, and also assess how the work we are doing as a coalition is affecting the youth, parents and community.
- The 4 Sub-committees we have identified are
- Policy
- Identify policies and laws in effect
- Local
- State
- National
- Identify policies and laws in effect
- Community and Coalition Engagement
- School outreach
- Events
- program implementation
- Workshops
- Presentations
- Growing coalition and maintaining engagement
- Communication
- Social media
- Data Collection / Assessment
- Focus Group
- Members were asked to sign up for sub-committees
- Policy
- Announcements and Upcoming Events (below)
Meeting Adjourned at 1:30pm
2018 Youth Summer Program
Group Project Painting - Effects of Alcohol

Civic Engagement with State Rep. Theresa Mah
Chinese Calligraphy

Volunteers at Chinatown 5k

Substance Abuse Education

Activities at Ping Tom Park

Closing Ceremony with Completion Certificate

Upcoming Events
Hoyne Park Advisory Council Meeting
Thursday, September 13, 2018
7:00pm - 8:00pm
McKinley Park Field House,
2210 W. Pershing Rd.
Chicago, IL
McKinley Park Neighborhood Plan Local Business Focus Group
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
8:30am to 10:00 am
36 Squared Incubator
3636 S. Iron Street
Chicago, IL
McKinley Park Stewardship Days
September 15, 9:00am – 12:00pm,
Group meets on the west side of lagoon in McKinley Park at the stump circle
Harvesting Health: Fall Festival
Saturday, September 22, 2018
11:00am-3:00pm El Paseo
Community Garden
944 W. 21st Street, Chicago
Fishing Derby
Saturday, September 22 at 9:00am –12:00pm
McKinley Park Lagoon
2210 W. Pershing Road
Chicago, IL
Harvesting Health: Fall Festival:
Saturday, September 22, 2018
El Paseo Community Garden
944 W. 21st Street
Chicago, IL
McKinley Park Development Council.
Third Thursday of month.
Check website for location
October 3, 2018
6:30pm – 7:30pm
McKinley Park Library
1915 W 35th Street
Chicago, IL
Project Vision FAFSA Workshop
Saturday, October 6, 2018
9:30am – 11:00am
236 W 22nd Pl #1
Chicago, IL 60616.
Call to sign up
(312) 808-1898
UNO Carrera de los Muertos 5k Run.
Saturday, October 28, 2018
MAHA 8th Annual Benefit “Ensuring Access to Health Care.”
Saturday, November 10, 2018
6:00pm – 8:30pm
Furama Restaurant
2828 S. Wentworth Ave, 3/F,
Chicago, IL 60616
BPNC 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Friday, November 16, 2018
6:30pm – 12:30am
Mayfield Banquet Hall
6072 S. Archer Ave
Chicago, IL
Please let us know if you have any events you would like us to add in our next newsletter