January 2021 McK-UDOS Coalition Newsletter



With the current pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it has been an evolving situation impacting the world and our community. We want to advocate the precautionary measures and guidance to help the spread of COVID-19 of proper hand washing, social distancing, respiratory etiquette and cleaning and disinfecting regularly. For the moment, we have closed our offices to help reduce the spread of the virus. However, we are still working remotely to continue our mission.

McK-UDOS Coalition Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Time: 11:30 am- 1:00 pm via Zoom



    1. Lina Xie - MAHA
    2. Ailin Chang - MAHA
    3. Allison Precht - MAHA
    4. Jonas Ginsburg- MAHA
    5. Allison Plyer - MAHA
    6. Fatima Villasenor - Riveredge Hospital
    7. Justin Kerr - McKinley Park News
    8. Carlos Rodriguez - WestCare Illinois
    9. Jana Chiu -Office of State Representative Theresa Mah, 2nd District
    10. Saul Zhang - MAHA
    11. Josh Freeman - Recovery Local
    12. Ren – Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc (H.A.S.)
    13. Shengnan Wang – MAHA
    14. Yuqin Wang – MAHA
    15. Deanna Sandova - Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc (H.A.S.)
    16. Vanessa –Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc (H.A.S.)
    17. Hong Liu – MAHA
    18. Edward Boone – Northwestern Medicine
    19. Sara Reschly – Brighton Park Neighborhood Council (BPNC)
  • McK-UDOS was able to get a second 5-year grant from DFC
  • MAHA will work with WGN Radio to create display ads intended to go live late January
    • More information to come
    • Partner feedback is welcome
  • MAHA will be creating a Snapchat account to increase engagement and outreach to youth
  • New psychiatrist and interns hired to assist the Trauma-Informed Care program
  • The following programs will be moving into a new office space: 238 W Cermak Rd. 2nd floor
    • Substance Abuse Prevention
    • Mental Health Clinic
    • Bullying and Suicide Prevention
    • Trauma-Informed Care
  • IDHS and Health Resources in Action (HRiA) will be launching a statewide Problem Gambling Assessment
    • Surveys and interviews will be conducted from February to March
    • Languages available: English and Spanish
    • More information to come
  • Justin Kerr (McKinley Park News)
    • New project in collaboration with MAHA- improve communication and develop outreach material to discourage teen consumption of substance/alcohol
    • Example: point of sale brochure at liquor store/cannabis sellers
  • Edward Boone (Northwestern Medicine)
    • He and colleagues are transitioning from Lurie’s Hospital to Northwestern Medicine
    • They continue to work to provide data around violence, drug overdose, and suicide deaths
  • Fatima (Riveredge Hospital)
  • Ailin Chang – Mindfulness Workshop
    • Due to growing number of people struggling with the pandemic, working remotely, and increased online screen time, mindfulness helps to promote self-care and learn how to navigate through Covid-19
    • Targets youth and adults with different workshops
    • Workshops offered in November and December were in English, Cantonese, Mandarin
    • Valuable feedback from participants indicated demand for more workshops and positive influence on calming/relaxation
    • Upcoming workshop: January 27th through Zoom at 3:30pm.
  • Shengnan Wang – Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Program
    • Trauma results from a terrible life event and has long lasting effects on individual’s sense of self, social connections, and/or motivation to use support services
    • Program goals: (1) empower individuals to restore safety, power and worth, and (2) raise awareness of trauma-informed care
    • Looking for multilingual managers—for serving diverse population
    • Staff working in develop Trauma- Informed program policy
    • Feedback from partners is welcome to help build the program
  • Sex differences in stress-related alcohol use
    • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352289518300729
    • Alcohol use disorder (AUD) increasing in women by 84% over past ten years compared to 34% in men
    • Women are more likely to drink due to negative reinforcement such as stress and anxiety whereas men are more likely to drink as a result of positive reinforcement such as in celebration
    • Early exposure to life stress during adolescence continue to affect alcohol use into adulthood
    • Research helps to inform organizations of factors influencing alcohol use and develop strategies for outreach and education
  • COVID-19, Stress and Alcohol infographic
    • Changing trends in access to and consumption of alcohol greatly inform how outreach and education activities should consider the influence of online marketing and online platforms
    • Email [email protected] if you would like to access the infographic.
  • Vanessa (Domestic Abuse Advocate for H.A.S.)
    • The BASTA! Domestic Violence Program is presenting a Zoom Meeting on Healthy Relationships in celebration of Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 18 at 4:00pm via Zoom. This virtual event will be conducted in English and is open to the public and free to attend. To register, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D22Z2RV
  • March 11, 2021 from 11:30am to 1pm over Zoom
  • Calendar invite to be sent out

BASTA! Domestic Violence Program 

Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc. The BASTA! Domestic Violence Program is pleased to announce that it will present a Zoom Meeting on Healthy Relationships in celebration of Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 18 at 4:00pm via Zoom. You are invited to attend along with any staff members and community members who may also want to register. This virtual event will be conducted in English and is open to the public and free to attend! Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested.

Click on the link to register or RSVP: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D22Z2RV

IDHS and HRiA statewide Problem Gambling Assessment

IDHS SUPR is working with a research team from Health Resources in Action (HRiA) on the statewide Problem Gambling Assessment. The research team is preparing for the next phase of data collection, which will include launching an online survey for problem and at-risk gamblers and conducting interviews and focus groups with problem gamblers and family members, as well as providers.

More information coming in the next months. In the meantime, please visit MAHA’s Gambling Awareness program to learn more about program activities and services: https://maha-us.org/gambling-awareness-program/

CPD Community Support Team (CST)

Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc. Community Support Team (CST) CST is a multidisciplinary mental health care team that provides treatment, outreach, and support to people with mental health symptoms who may require more intensive support than traditional outpatient therapy provides.


*Clients need to be on Medicaid

*Clients must have a mental Illness diagnosis

* Clients must live near or around the Back of The Yards neighborhood

For more information, please contact [email protected]

Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) Mindfulness Workshop

Have you heard of mindfulness? Mindfulness is a skill developed through meditation and other spiritual training. In doing mindfulness, we emphasize conscious awareness, focusing on the present moment, and not judging our thoughts. In facing stress, our thoughts may recall the past or worry about the future, and mindfulness can help us focus on the present moment without being affected by those emotions. Workshop will be held January 27, 2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. This virtual event will be conducted in English and is open to the public and free to attend! Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested. 

Please register at https://forms.gle/LzMSggDteVReDAAZA

Contact: Ailin Chang, MA, Project Coordinator

Email: [email protected]